Course curriculum

    1. Course Purpose

    1. The true light in existence

    1. Material

    2. Introduction and presentation.

    3. Meet 1, Exerce 1

    4. Meet 1, Exercise 2

    5. Summary & Preparation

    1. Hit 2 Unconditional love - The importance of the heart and EQ

    2. Meet 2, Exercise 1

    3. Meet 2, Exercise 2

    4. Meet 2, Exercise 3

    5. Summary & preparation

    1. Hit 3 Awareness and norms

    2. Meet 3, Exercise 1

    3. Meet 3, Exercise 2

    4. Summary & Preparation

    1. Hit 4 Fear and blockages in your life.

    2. Meet 4, Exercise 1

    3. Meet 4, Exercise 2

    4. Meet 4, Exercise 3

    5. Summary & Preparation

About this course

  • €49,00
  • 50 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content